Let the NESTING begin.
I spent all weekend cleaning. Cleaning out closets, drawers, rooms, and more. It was sooo refreshing to get rid of furniture, clothes, and things that I can’t believe I’ve held on to for so long. I have always loved the feeling of deep-cleaning my space, but this nesting thing is real!
Let the NURSERY begin.
Today Layla’s bed comes! This is the first “real” thing we have for her thus far. We have a little rubbermaid tub with some various little onesies, blankets and gifts people have given us already, but nothing else. I’ve been busting my butt to keep up with just life in general while catching up and finishing up all the work I need done before Layla gets here. I want to be free of editing and album building when that little girl is in my arms. I’m amazed at mommy’s who spend the entire process babying everything. Nothing wrong with it, just hasn’t been me. To quote one of my favorite internet ladies, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” At least around here there hasn’t been. But now, the clock is ticking!
I finally started a Pinterest page with babydale stuff. It has been fun just posting things that are fun, cute, and just our style. Not necessarily things we will buy, but things to consider, look for and just be inspired by. We aren’t going full-on nursery in our house; we still want the second room to be functional and flow into the rest of the house, since we have a really open floor plan. So we are going with simple, colorful, and not “baby” looking things for Layla’s room. Here are some of our favorite things and inspirations:

(We ordered this crib: Babyletto Modo 3-in-1 crib from babyletto.com)

(Color inspiration with another Babyletto crib. Layla’s bedroom is very close to the wall color on the left.)

(More inspiration. Music. Photography. Color. Retro Mod. Simple Design.)
Let the BELLY begin.
The belly is growing and growing. I can see it and heavens, I can feel it! So from this point on, she is just adding fat on and growing from a melon to a beachball. I’ll try and post pics from this point on. In the meantime, here is another pic from our session last Monday.

(Photo by Hoffer Photography)
Let the THIRD TRIMESTER begin.
Well, we are in the home stretch. I can’t believe it! In three months, we will be holding little Layla, seeing her face, wiping her butt, and just looking at her with that dumb-struck-worn-out-totally-infatuated-new-parent stare. But until then, there is much to do business-wise, house-wise, financial-wise and just life-wise. You know what I gotta say… BRING IT ON!!